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Scroll Word Exporter 5.2.5

June 2021

We are happy to announce the release of Scroll Word Exporter 5.2.5 which is an improvement and bug fix release. This update adds an improvement for the Scroll Ignore macro so that the content is now easily recognisable in the Confluence page view. 

Additionally, we have fixed the handling for how tables styles are exported - this includes fixing incorrect column widths, padding and indents. 

Changes to table output

In this update we have improved the indentation for tables in the generated export. This means that the following indentation behaviour is now observed;

  • Tables included normally on a page and/or Nested tables (a table within a table) - left indent for a table will always be respected, independently (not on top) of text indent. If you don't want a left indent for nested tables, you can setup a dedicated style with a left indent of 0 and apply it with table layout macro.

  • Tables in lists - left indent is not respected, independently of the list style indent. Thus, tables in lists are preserved in accordance with the same behaviour displayed in Confluence and the defined list style in the template.


With this release we are introducing changes for the Scroll Ignore macro and Scroll Ignore (Inline) macro which means nested content in these macros will now be displayed in the Confluence page view. This makes it easier for users to identify content that will not be included in the export - a grey border will display around the content nested within these macros. Additionally, a tooltip will display text notifying the user why this text is highlighted (see below).

Resolved issues in this release

New Features and Improvements

Data cannot be retrieved due to an unexpected error.

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Bug fixes

Data cannot be retrieved due to an unexpected error.

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