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We are pleased to announce the release of Scroll Viewport 2023-04-03 which is an improvement release.

Besides releasing support for Swedish as yet another supported help center language, in this release we continue to improve the display of tables.

We have made tables more readable and aligned them further with how they show and behave in Confluence. For that we’ve increased the default content width for tables and added support for Confluence's table width options. We’ve also tweaked the shadow that appears for horizontally scrolling tables.

Why are tables wider than before?

In one of our latest releases, we limited the content width to keep characters per line to a maximum, which is a recommended best practice. We’ve made some more improvements since then, especially to enhance readability within tables.

With this update, we’re making tables wider to make it easier to read content within the table. The current update not only ensures that tables in your articles adhere to the layout in Confluence, it also lets you control how tables are displayed by choosing to ‘go wide’ or full-width in Confluence.

As a result, the tables in your articles are now closer to what they look like in Confluence. This allows more control over how your tables are displayed and lets you design your content and columns in a way that can be carried over to your help center even better than before.

These improvements are part of a larger initiative to enhance readability and improve your customer’s experience when they visit your help center site. In the future, we will be considering these changes for other page elements such as Confluence layouts as well.

Please remember to preview and check your content before going live with your site, so you can adjust your tables if they don’t look as expected.


This release contains the following improvements for:

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