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_Image inclusions

Adding/editing image inclusions

  1. Open image inclusion page or create a new page with the title format “_Image [app context] [further specification]

  2. Prepare your image

    1. Take screenshots from dummy site GoodSoftware Help (spaces) or GoodSoftware Help (documents) or from the dummy spaces SmartApp documentation, NewApp Documentation or ShinyApp Documentation.

    2. Crop image to relevant context (e.g. only dialog)

    3. Replace any visible user names with GoodSoftware roles/names

    4. Replace any visible user icons with GoodSoftware user icons

    5. Save your image with the same file name as the title of the image inclusion page (omit the ”_image”)

  3. Insert your image

  4. Add an image alt text (can be derived from the title of the page)

  5. Publish

Overview of image inclusions

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