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How to Show Different Content Depending on the Audience

Learn how to separate and deploy different content to different users and user groups using Scroll Viewport.

With Scroll Viewport you can create unlimited number of sites. This allows you to create sites that include different content, based on the needs, permissions and requirements of your respective audiences.

1. Create and separate your content per audience

The first step is to separate your content in Confluence for the different audiences you want to cater to. How to best organize your content, will depend on your particular use case and requirements.

Some helpful rules to use as guidance:

  • The easiest way to manage your content is by creating a Confluence space for each of your audiences. Each space will only have the content that is relevant to and should be visible for that particular audience. For example:

    • Documentation for Product A → Relevant for users of product A

    • Documentation for Product B → Relevant for users of product B

    • Documentation for Product C → Relevant for users of product C

  • If some of your content is relevant not just for one but for multiple audiences, create a separate space for that common content. You’ll be able to add that same space to multiple Viewport sites (our next step). For example:

    • Billing and Licensing → Relevant for users of product A, B and C

  • If you have a lot of overlapping content that includes just slight differences across audiences, check out our app Variants for Scroll Documents.
    Variants are a good way to avoid managing duplicate content. For example, just one page can manage all the following:

    • Billing and Licensing for Product A → Relevant for users of product A

    • Billing and Licensing for Product B → Relevant for users of product B

    • Billing and Licensing for Product C → Relevant for users of product C

2. Create one site per audience

In the next step, we will create multiple Viewport sites to make sure that our audience only acceses the site with the content that is relevant or allowed for them.

With Scroll Viewport, it’s not possible to define who sees what part of a site, which is why we will be separating content across multiple sites. Once someone accesses your site, they will see all content you’ve included.

To create audience-specific sites:

  1. Create a site for each audience. For example:

    • Product A Help

    • Product B Help

    • Product C Help

  2. For each site, add the relevant space(s) and/or Scroll Document(s) that you created in the first step as content sources. Remember:

    1. You can add the same content source to multiple sites.

    2. If using Scroll Document versions or variants, you can select per site which versions or which variants to include in the site.

Each of your sites will have a different URL. You can use these URLs to forward to the respective audiences. Using our example, that means a user of product A will only receive the URL for the site “Product A Help” while users of product A and B will receive two different URLs.

3. Optional: Restrict access to your sites

By default, Scroll Viewport sites are open to the public via a specified URL. This means, for each audience, you can simply forward or embed a different URL, leading them to their respective sites.

Optionally, you can set up authenticated access, so that only the audience that the content is meant for can access your site.

To build the Viewport site we pull content from your Confluence Cloud instance but store it in and deploy it to an environment that is separate from your Confluence.

When your site is deployed and live, your Confluence permissions don’t take any effect anymore. Instead, you’ll have Viewport-own mechanism to restrict access to a site and its content.

Read more about your options to restrict site access on Set Up Authenticated Access .

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