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Viewport RSS Feed

The Viewport RSS Feed macro is part of the Scroll Viewport app. The macro allows you to include any RSS Feed into your Confluence page.


To use the Viewport RSS Feed macro you need to follow these steps:

  1. Place the macro within your Confluence page
  2. Edit the macro settings 
    1. Insert the URL of the RSS Feed in the Feed URL field.
      Note that the URL needs to comply with the Confluence Whitelist, if you have set up the Whitelist in the Confluence administration.
    2. Define the maximum number of posts that should be displayed when viewing the page in Confluence or in Scroll Viewport.
  3. Click on save and publish the page - done.

After publishing the page the macro will render the posts from your provided RSS Feed Url.

Viewport also generates a RSS Feed, learn more on how to customize the output.

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