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Redirecting your old Viewport URL to a new one

If you have two Viewports in a space and want to make sure that all links that go to the old Viewport are redirected to the new one you can achieve that by using a redirect.
You define a new redirect in 'Regular Expression' mode to resolve all links in the new Viewport. For this to work both Viewports must use the same page path.


Incoming URL =*) Target URL =$1

The redirect will be varied based on the incoming URL through the variable $1. Everything which follows the literal part of the incoming URL is matched by '.*' and is stored in the variable $1.

The content of the variable $1 is then appended to the literal part of the target URL, some examples:

  •  will be redirected to

  •  will be redirected to

Make sure that the literal part of the incoming URL is not a prefix of the target URL, otherwise the redirect will be applied repeatedly, e.g. you cannot use*) as incoming and$1 as target URL.

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