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Integrating Confluence Team Calendars

Since Scroll Viewport 2.14.1 we changed the resource import for $page.resources.js. The resource import doesn't require the JS files for the Editor by default anymore since in most use-cases it is unnecessary.

Anyway the macro Confluence Team Calendars requires the resources of the Editor to display the calendar.
To render the macro in a viewport you would need to do the following:

In your HTML head paste in the following meta-tag to require the full JS package of Confluence:

<meta name="ajs-vprt-preserve-editor-loader">
<meta name="ajs-remote-user" content="$user">
<meta name="ajs-version-number" content="YOUR_CONFLUENCE_VERSION"> 

Don't forget to replace YOUR_CONFLUENCE_VERSION in the snippet above with your actual Confluence version

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