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Scroll Versions 3.4

1 March 2017

K15t Software is proud to announce the release of Scroll Versions 3.4. This release introduces compatibility with Confluence 6, and contains a range of other improvements and bug fixes.

Upgrade notes

Confluence 5.5 Compatibility has been dropped

Scroll Versions 3.4 does not support Confluence 5.5. Only Confluence versions 5.6 and later are supported.

In detail

Confluence 6 compatibility

This widely demanded feature has been a while coming, but has now been implemented: thank you for your patience.

Scroll Versions is now compatible with Confluence 6 – however, please note that there are some minor limitations.

Known limitations with Confluence 6

Collaboratively creating a new versioned page from a fallback, unresolved page, or undecided page does not work (resolved in version 3.5.0)

Creating a new versioned page from a fallback page, unresolved page or undecided page works as before, but does not yet take collaborative editing into account. That means if, for example, your page exists in version 2 and you and a colleague click Edit in version 3, you will get different drafts and only the first of these users will be able to publish this page (i.e. save the page the first time). This issue has already been resolved, simply update to 3.5.0 release or above.

Synchrony sometimes skips a beat

Synchrony is the service that powers collaborative editing – it is used to synchronize content, title and events between collaborators. During testing, we found that sometimes Synchrony simply does not deliver certain events: for example, when a user saves the page via Update or Publish, you will normally get a banner saying that a given user has just published this page, but sometimes this information does not appear. Scroll Versions reacts to these events, for example to display the Scroll page title, so if the event is not sent or not received, Scroll Versions can not update the editor.

If you notice any odd behavior with Scroll Versions (for example if a page title changes to a strange name like '.TITLE v1.0'), reloading the editor is enough to update the editor with the intended changes.

Limited mode is not supported

The limited mode for collaborative editing is not supported in Scroll Versions-managed spaces. This mode is meant to debug connection and setup problems with Synchrony. Please set up Synchrony before starting to work in your Scroll Versions-managed spaces. You can either use collaborative editing with full functionality, (on mode), or not use it at all (off mode).

For best results, use Google Chrome or Mozilla Firefox

When testing collaborative editing, we found that we achieved the best results (regardless of Scroll Versions functionality) using Google Chrome and Mozilla Firefox. When using Safari, we seemed to encounter problems with Synchrony more often.

Furthermore, please make sure to use at least Atlassian Confluence 6.0.3, because in earlier versions, Synchrony had a bug in combination with Mozilla Firefox.Only admins can discard drafts created by another user

Due to known Confluence 6 limitations, it is not possible to discard drafts created by another user. You have to be an administrator or the owner of the draft to be able to delete or discard them.

Converting of undecided pages to unversioned does not work properly

Editing an undecided page and converting it to an unversioned page does not work as expected when the page is being edited by at least two users. If the user tries to publish their undecided page as unversioned, all other users will not receive the publish event and will not be able to save or discard their changes. This behavior is caused by a bug in Confluence 6

Use the editor's "save as draft" feature sparingly

In Confluence 6, if you save your changes as a draft, the draft version indefinitely lives on in your 'drafts page' ready for you to resume editing at a later date. This means that drafts and published versions of pages can coexist for a long time – each with different content.

When you combine the draft mechanism with the different versions of a page Scroll Versions manages, it can become very difficult to keep track of the many differing versions and drafts that can rapidly accumulate. To avoid this, try to use the 'save as draft' feature as little as possible (or better yet, not at all).

Confluence 6.5.0 and 6.5.1 are not supported (update to 6.5.2 or later)

We have identified an incorrect behavior related to page restrictions in Confluence 6.5.0 and 6.5.1. This was acknowledged by Atlassian as a Confluence bug and fixed in Confluence 6.5.2: We do not support these two Confluence releases, and you will see a banner on all versioned pages if use Scroll Versions with either 6.5.0 or 6.5.1. Please upgrade Confluence to 6.5.2 or later.

Updates and Fixes in this Release

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The Scroll Versions 3.4 Team

Tobias Anstett
Peter Bastian
Nils Bier
Christoffer Bromberg
Sebastian Hesse
Stefan Kleineikenscheidt
Simon Kusterer
Roman Serazhiev
Daria Huber
Thomas Walker

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