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Remove a Versioned Page

There are two ways to remove a versioned page. You can either mark a page in a space version as removed, delete a version of a page, or remove all versions of a page.

Removing unversioned pages works differently – for more information, see Remove Unversioned Pages.

Mark a Page in a Space Version as Removed

Marking a page in a space version as removed does not remove the page in this space version, but hides it from users. The title is greyed out in the navigation tree, and the page is not available in the working version (or versions based on it).

  1. Open the page and switch to a space version where you want the page to be marked as removed, click Page Tools > Delete,

  2. If you want to also mark children of the page as removed, select the Remove <x> descendant pages checkbox,

  3. Click Remove.

On publish, the page will be removed from the visible documentation.

When a page is marked as removed, the content is still available when editing the page in this version again.

The content will not be displayed on edit, if you remove a page that inherits the content from a previous version (see: VSN-1859). To get this content back, please open the page the content falls back to, and copy-paste the content to the wanted versioned page.

Delete a Page from Space Version

Deleting a page from space version will delete the page and store it in the space trash. This should only be done with care, as trashed pages cannot be easily recovered.

  • Open the page and switch to a space version where you want to delete it, click Versions → Delete from space version or Versions → Page versions → Actions → Delete from space version.
    (info) These two are identical in result and can only be used if at least two versions of that page exist.

The selected page version will be deleted and moved to the space trash and the page will be in a state as if that specific version has never existed.

Delete a Page from All Space Versions

Deleting a page from all space versions moves the page to a space trash. This should be done with care as trashed pages cannot be easily recovered.

  1. Open the page you want to remove, click Page Tools → Delete

  2. Click To remove this page and all its versions... and select the Remove page and all its versions (this cannot be undone) box.

  3. If you want to remove all children of the page, select the Remove <x> descendant page(s) box.

  4. Click Remove.

The page will be deleted and moved to the space trash. The timestamp from the time the page has been deleted will be added before the page title of the deleted page in the trash.

Restore a Trashed Versioned Page

If you deleted a page from all space versions, you can restore it by using Confluence restore functionality.

  • Due to how Confluence restores pages, restoring a trashed page will place it on the top level of your space, and it will be unversioned

    • If you want to have it displayed in the page tree again, you will need to open Page Tools → View in Hierarchy and move the page manually to the wanted position in the page tree

  • If you want to restore multiple pages deleted from different space versions, each single page version has to be restored individually

  • Once a versioned page is restored, a new page revision is created and the change comment is filled with additional information:

    • Trashed by

    • Original Page Title

    • Scroll Page Title

    • Scroll Page Id

    • Original Scroll Version

  • If you want to make the restored page versioned you can do so in Versions → Convert to versioned. If you are using the duplicate page titles feature, change the page title and the permalink to your needs.

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