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Find All Spaces with Scroll Versions or Scroll Translations Enabled

Sometimes it is necessary to find out which spaces use Scroll Versions or Scroll Translations functionality. This used to be impossible via the UI or browser, and you had to execute SQL on your database to get that information. Since case-sensitivity and table and row names make SQL not really portable, a REST API resource has been created that can be queried for this information. This resource is restricted to Confluence administrators.


Before you begin the following prerequisites need to be fulfilled:

  • Scroll Versions 3.0.8 or later is installed.
  • You're logged in with Confluence Administrator permissions.
  • Under the global Advanced Plugin Settings the setting "" is set as "true."
  • You're logged in to the system using the same base URL as you'll use for the following REST calls.

Search for Versioned or Translated Spaces

To find out about all spaces that use any Scroll Versions or Scroll Translations functionality, you can access the following URL:

Replace the base URL


Accessing https://<baseUrl>/rest/scroll-versions/1.0/support/config.html in your browser will provide a HMTL report view with some powerful and potentially dangerous actions. Use with caution!

Example output:

> [{"spaceKey":"ScrollTest4600725336020808190",
>    "spaceName":"_VersionMer mergeAttachm_100451_585",
>    "config":
>        {"enableVersionManagement":true,
>        "enableWorkflow":false,
>        "enableTranslation":false,
>        "enableVariants":false,
>        "enablePermalinks":true,
>        "enableSeo":false,
>        "isTargetSpace":false,
>        "restrictEditInReaderView":false
>        },
>    "versions":{
>        "numberOfVersions":2,
>        "numberOfChanges":4
>        }
>    }...]

This will produce a JSON list that contains all spaces together with their Scroll configuration, that have at least one of the modules activated. You can further reduce the list of results using two query parameters:

  • include: A comma-separated list of module names that you want to check for, i.e. if any of those modules is enabled in a space, that space will be part of the results.
  • exclude: A comma-separated list of module names that you want to check for deactivation, i.e. if a space is enabled for an excluded module, it will not be part of the results.

To check for spaces that use only Version Management functionality you can use the following URL:

Replace the base URL


or to check for spaces that use any Scroll Versions or Scroll Translations modules, but are not target spaces, you can use

Replace the base URL


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