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Add Captions to Images, Figures, and Tables

To follow this guide, you must first install the Scroll Exporter Extensions app

You must install the Scroll Exporter Extensions app to use the macros required to follow this guide.

You can use the Scroll Title macro to add captions to images, figures, and tables in exports.

To use the macro, insert it into a page, highlight it and then select Edit. You can then enter the caption you want to assign to the content and after confirming, move that content into the macro.

You can also further style how the captions are exported – this formatting is done when customizing an export template.

Interested in adding a Table of Tables/Figures?

Through the use of placeholders in the customizable template you can add a Table of Tables and/or Table of Figures to your PDF Export. This feature enables users to automatically generate a list of tables and figures from the exported Confluence pages. You can read more about this process in our Customize Document Sections documentation.

Linking to captions

Since switching to the new cloud editor experience,  Atlassian has removed the anchor macro and made changes to the way in which links are created in the new editor. As a result, there is currently no way to create a single link to the title anchor that works in both Confluence and the export. We are tracking this feature request here: EXP-3184

Please note, the Anchor field still displays for the Scroll Title macro but it is not possible to link to this.

Adjust caption position and alignment 

After adding the desired caption to your figure you can also customize the placement and alignment of the caption.

With the macro parameter title-position, you can decide whether you want the caption to appear above or below the table or figure. Additionally, the title-alignment macro parameter allows you to define the alignment of the caption text. You can choose between the alignments: Left, Center, Right and Justify. The Justify alignment differs from the other directional alignments and allows you to write longer captions, on several lines, in a good looking way. The letter- and word-spacing gets aligned so that the caption text stays within a predefined squared structure.

Please note that the caption alignment is always taken from the template. Therefore, make sure that the table- and figure captions in the template always correspond with your settings in the Scroll Title macro.

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