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Using $context

The variable $context is used in the default Scroll HTML Exporter theme. This documentation explains how to use that variable for your own themes. Depending on choices made in the export configuration, we can determine if a section of a template would be able to be displayed or not.


The table below outlines Objects that can be used to get information about the export process.

ExportModeStringThis is mostly here to determine the display method.
If all contents are in one page, you need to have another means of navigation, than for a single html page.

Contains selected option for General>Create

  • default for "one HTML file for each Confluence page"
  • single-page for "a single large HTML file"


You recursively loop through all pages and their children.

#foreach($child in $context.SourceTree.Children)
This is the tree of pages generated
  • children - a list of all children pages
  • DisplayTitle - Title of that page
  • Id - ID of the page
WorkDirectoryFileContains information about the File. All available methods and properties are available in the Java docs for


This is used to determine which href to use when linking to another page.
Example: $context.getLinkNamingStrategy().generateLinkString($page)
where page  

CombinedSectionLevelNumberUsed for rendering the section override

BuildSearchIndexBooleantrue or false

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