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Copy to a Different Space

Copy a document version to a different space and deliver the finalized document to its readers.

Just as you can create a copy of an individual page, you can also create a copy of a document and its versions. When you need to duplicate the content of one or multiple version, copying is the simplest way to do so.

You can create a copy of a document in the same space or in another space to deliver a finalized version to its readers (e.g. in a public space to be accessed by specific users or teams).

You can maintain a private Confluence space where you draft documents and publish them to a publication space when they're ready for release. Learn how to create an internal documentation library with Scroll Documents

Create a Copy

The Create a copy option will create a copy of a version of your choice. Since a version always lives under a parent document, a copy of the parent document will be created along your copied version in your selected location.
The copied version will be created as the working version of that new document.

Navigate to the Document Manager

  • Click Scroll Documents from the Apps section in your space sidebar.

  • From the Document Library, click the document card of a document.


  • From a page in a document, click Document toolbox and click the cog icon.

Navigate to the version to be copied

  • For the version you want to copy, click ••• in the Actions column and select Copy. The Copy version dialog displays.

Step 1: Select a location

  • Pick a location for your copy by selecting the Confluence Space and then the Parent page.

  • Click Next.

Step 2: Name your new document and version

  • Enter a custom Document title or use the default entry to define the name of the new parent document. By default, the name of the new parent document will be “Copy of”, followed by the name of the original version’s parent document.

  • Optionally: Customize the Prefix for the new version page tree. By default, the prefix is “Copy of”, followed by the version name of the version you’re copying (e.g. 2.0). You can choose to customize or delete the prefix. When you customize the prefix, all page titles of the copy will inherit the “Copy of” prefix. You'll see a dynamic preview of the copy's new title on the left as you enter the new prefix.

  • Click Copy.

The new copy of the version appears under a newly created parent document in the Library of the space you selected.

Document Library with a copied document

What Gets Copied?

When copying a version, some details are included on with the new copy, and some are not:



Version content


Page attachments or images within the version








Created by

Transfers to the creator of the Copy





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