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Scroll Documents 2.0.0

We are pleased to introduce Scroll Documents 2.0.0 which is a major release with a number of new features and improvements to help you manage your documents in Confluence. See all the highlights in our new Crash Course video: 

Here is an overview of the major updates: 

Document Library

Formerly known as the Documents Overview, the Document Library is the home of all the documents that you create and manage within your space. We have replaced the old details view, for a clean and crisp UI experience. The documents load faster than before and you are able to access the most important actions on the click of a button.

Document Reader

To help you read and interact with multiple pages of your document at once, we have introduced a dedicated, scrollable Document Reader. You can open the reader from the document library by clicking anywhere on your document card. 

Document Manager

We have also introduced Document Manager which provides you all the document management options that Scroll Documents has to offer. You can manage the document metadata, create and manage document versions, track changes across all pages of your document, and apply bulk restrictions using the advanced restrictions manager.

Document Toolbox

We have also introduced a new component called the Document Toolbox to help you access important actions right where you need them - on the page level.

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