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Scroll Documents 1.4.0

We are pleased to introduce Scroll Documents 1.4.0 which is loaded with new features, improvements, and a bug fix.

In this version, we have introduced an 'Activity log' that enables you to audit the changes that are made to your documents. We have also added a new 'Settings' section to document viewer where you can update the prefix of the document and all its versions after they have been created. And finally, we have added a new option to the 'Save a version' dialog that will enable you to 'edit restrict' the new version to yourself, thereby preventing others from making any changes.

We have also improved permissions handling in several sections of the app and and moved the 'Outline editor' into its own dialog thereby giving you more space to curate the outline of your document with ease.


Activity Log

With this feature, you can keep track of the changes that are made to your documents, e.g. Versions Saved, Workflow Status Changed, and Pages Updated. You will be able to switch between a timeline view and a table view of the logs as shown in the screenshots. You can select a date range, and use the quick filters to quickly monitor the events that you are interested in. Finally, you will also be able to export the logs to a .csv file by clicking the export button on the top-right corner of the screen.


Along with the activity log, we have added a new 'Settings' section to the document viewer. Right now, this section consists of only one setting option and we plan to add more in the future in order to give you more control over the management of your documents.

Update Document and Version Prefixes

Learn about why you need prefixes for documents and versions - here.

With this option, you will be able to update the prefix of documents and all their versions after they have been created. Simply select the correct version, add a new prefix or update an existing one, and hit save. Scroll Documents will take care of updating the prefix of all the underlying pages in one go. So say goodbye to manually editing the prefixes of all pages in your document!

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