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Scroll Documents 1.0.4

We are pleased to introduce ScrollDocuments 1.0.4 which is an improvement and bugfix release.

This update introduces the Document Comparison Tool, that enables you to not only compare different versions of a document, but also compare a document with its copies. 

We have also introduced a few minor bug fixes in this release and improvements under the hood in order to make the app more robust.


Compare Document Versions and Copies

This release of Scroll Documents now includes a Document Comparison Tool. With this tool, you will be able to compare different versions, or copies of a document. It comes with an easy to use UI that provides you with a rich experience. You can compare the versions/documents in an intuitive side-by-side view. You will be able to quickly scroll through the changes or use the navigation buttons on the bottom action bar to jump between the changes. You can also switch sides of the versions/documents by clicking the switch button based on your preference.

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