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Scroll Documents 1.0.3

We are pleased to introduce ScrollDocuments 1.0.3 which is an improvement and bugfix release.

This update introduces a new macro - Scroll Documents List, that enables you to add documents to your confluence pages. We have also improved the delete wizard to be more user friendly, and have added the ability to filter documents by status in the Documents overview. Additionally we have made several minor UI improvements to make your experience even better.

We have also introduced a few bug fixes in this release, including a fix for the error that prevented sending cookies in the fetch requests, thereby resulting in authentication error for all the internal rest requests.


Scroll Document List Macro

This release of Scroll Documents now includes a macro - Scroll Document List, to add your space level documents to your pages. With this macro, you get a familiar interface as the Documents Overview. You can either select particular documents by clicking on them, or apply filters and check the 'select all' checkbox to apply a dynamic filter for your documents. In the later case, every time a new document, which matches the filter criteria, is created in your space, they will appear in the macro. With this macro, you also have the option to display the documents either in the default grid view, or the list view. The macro is aimed at helping you create your own dashboards or simply embed your favourite documents in your Confluence pages.

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