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Compare Versions

Visually track changes between the different versions of a document using the Comparison Tool.

The Comparison Tool offers a diff view to compare one version of a document against another. Use it to see what was added, edited and deleted across all pages in the page tree.

Navigate to Compare Versions

Using the Document Toolbox:

  1. Using the space sidebar or version history table in the Document Manager, navigate to any page in your document.

  2. Open the Document toolbox, located at the top of the page between the watch and share icon.

  3. To access the Comparison Tool, select Compare Versions.

Using the Document Manager:

  1. Click Scroll Documents from the Apps section in your space sidebar.

  2. From the Document Library, click the document card of a document.

  3. To access the Comparison Tool, click Compare versions on top of the version history table.


  1. From a page in a document, click Document toolbox

  2. Click the cog icon.

  3. To access the Comparison Tool, click Compare versions on top of the version history table.

By default, the working version of the document will be displayed on the right side of the comparison view.

Compare Versions with the Comparison Tool

The Comparison Tool consists of four sections:

  • Header section which includes the Document title and legend that is used in the central section

  • Central section which shows the version pickers on both sides and the compared content which communicates what’s added, edited and deleted with the help of color coding

  • Side section with the page tree which marks changes and helps navigation through the changes

  • Footer section with next and previous change buttons which help navigating through al the changes in the content

  1. To start with, select the version with which you want to compare against.
    (tick) Tips: We recommend that you select the more up-to-date version on the right side of the comparison.

  2. Select a page title from the version page tree which has a pen icon next to it. You’ll navigate to a modified page. Optionally, you can use previous and next change buttons at the footer section to navigate through the pages that have changes.

  3. Once you navigate to a modified page, you’ll see a color coded communication explained with the legends in the header section.

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