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Resolve "Version Location Not Found"

The version location page is a crucial component for managing document versions within your space. This troubleshooting guide will help you diagnose and resolve the issue, allowing you to regain access to the version location page and continue saving your document versions effectively.


When attempting to save a new version, you receive an error message stating -

Version location page not found.

Possible Causes

  • Insufficient user permissions: Your account may not have “view permission” on the version location page.

Troubleshooting Steps

  1. Contact your administrator or document manager to confirm that your user account has “View Page” permissions on the version location page.

  2. If your user account lacks access, reach out to your administrator to request the required permissions.

Alternative Steps

Currently, there are no alternative steps available to troubleshoot this issue.

Prevention Tips

  • Check with your administrator or document manager to make sure that the Version Location Page exists, and that your user account has “View Page” permission before saving a new version of the document.

See Also

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If this problem persists, please contact our support.