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Scroll Documents 2.0.23-AC

We are pleased to introduce Scroll Documents 2.0.23-AC which is a feature and bug fix release.

This release contains a fix for the security vulnerability notified in Scroll Documents Security Advisory 2020-08-14 and is a recommended upgrade.


Improved Create Flow

With the new and improved create flow you can - 

  1. Select the location where you want to create your create your document

  2. Add a cover image and set the document status along with labels and summary

  3. Add new and existing pages to your document using the Document Composer

Default Exporter Templates

If you have Scroll PDF and Scroll Word Exporters, now, you can define a default template to you document. This way, the document will be exported with the assigned template each time. You will also be able to enable the 'Quick Start' mode which will trigger the export as soon as you click the export action.

JavaScript errors detected

Please note, these errors can depend on your browser setup.

If this problem persists, please contact our support.