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Save a Version

When you save a version of a document, you're saving a snapshot of that page tree of the document and its content at a certain point in time. You can version an entire page tree. For example, you can use versions to:

  • Share public documentation with users while working on additional changes in private

  • Track changes to documents throughout the document lifecycle or archive or freeze a certain state

Content from a dynamic macro, like an Include Page macro, isn’t frozen. Learn how to version a document that contains an Include Page macro.

Save a Version in the Document Manager (Recommended)

Navigate to the Document Manager

  1. Click Scroll Documents from the Apps section in your space sidebar.

  2. From the Document Library, click the document card of a document.


  1. From a page in a document, click Document toolbox b.

  2. Click on the cog icon.

Navigate to new version

  • Click Save a Version. The New version dialog displays.

  • Enter the version details and click Save.

The new version appears in the version history table along with the original version ('Working version'). The versions are automatically sorted according to the version name.

Each saved version displays a date, time stamp, and the name of the user who saved the version.

You can use the Scroll Documents Version History macro to embed the version history table on any page in your document.

Save a Version in the Document Toolbox

  • From a page in your document, click Document toolbox and select Save a version.

New version

  • Optionally add the following:

    1. The version a name of your choice or leave the default

    2. A short description

    3. The status of the version

    4. Optionally, if you choose to set custom restrictions:

      1. Click Next.

      2. Set the desired restrictions.

  • Click Save. The dialog closes again.

You can now navigate to your saved version using the version switcher in the toolbox or refresh the page to see your new version page tree appear in the space sidebar. 

What Gets Saved?

When saving a version, some details are included on with the new version, and some are not:



Version content


Page attachments or images within the version








Created by

Transfers to the creator of the Copy





Page History


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