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Delete a Document and its Versions

Remove a document or a version you don't want or need anymore.

Deleting a document immediately and permanently removes it from the library and deletes all its versions. You can also choose to delete only specific versions while keeping the rest of the document.

Delete document and delete version actions cannot be undone. In all cases, you have the option to keep the underlying Confluence pages.

What Gets Deleted?

When you select a document or document version to be deleted from the library:

  • All metadata about that document is deleted

  • The document is completely removed from all screens, including the library

  • The document isn’t recognised as a document in Confluence anymore.

You can also decide to delete the page tree associated to that document or document version. When that option is checked, all Confluence pages associated with that document are also deleted.

Delete a Document

Before deleting a version and/or its versions, please make sure that you have the right permissions

Navigate to the Document Manager

  1. Click Scroll Documents from the Apps section in your space sidebar.

  2. From the Document Library, click the document card of a document.


  1. From a page in a document, click Document toolbox b.

  2. Click on the cog icon.

Navigate to delete the document

  1. Navigate to the delete dialog by clicking on the '...' on the top-right of the page and selecting Delete document

The Document manager with the document actions menu opened

Delete document

  • For each version, select whether you want to delete only the document metadata (only Delete from Library is checked) or the document metadata and its associated Confluence pages (Delete from Library and Delete Page Tree are checked).

  • Click Next.

  • Review what will be deleted.

  • Click Delete.

Delete a Version

Navigate to the Document Manager

  1. Click Scroll Documents from the Apps section in your space sidebar.

  2. From the Document Library, click the document card of a document.


  1. From a page in a document, click Document toolbox b.

  2. Click on the cog icon.

Navigate to delete the version

  1. For the version you want to update, click ••• in the Actions column and click Delete. The Delete version dialog displays.

Delete version

  1. Select whether you want to delete only the version metadata (only Delete from Library is checked) or the version metadata and its associated pages (Delete from Library and Delete Page Tree are checked).

  2. Click Next.

  3. Review what will be deleted.

  4. Click Remove.

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