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Reset Rule Settings

To reset your configured Scroll Content Quality rules in a space to the default settings, or to recover a deleted setting, reference the contents of the “rule preset file” in your rule editor.

Rule Preset File

# This predefined set of rules is built around the general requirements 
# for content quality in technical documentation
# For more customization options see: 

  # Check outgoing link targets and report potentially dead links.
  - rule: external-links
    description: External links might not be available anymore
    level: major
  # Check that images have an alternative text description.
  - rule: image-alt-text
    description: Add an alternative text description to images
    level: minor
  # Check that no legacy Scroll Macros are used.
  - rule: legacy-scroll-macros
    description: Update outdated legacy macros to the newer supported version
    level: critical   

  # Report on incorrect capitalization in a specific element.
  - rule: text-capitalization
    description: Use title case in H1 and H2
    level: minor
    style: title          
    scope: [heading1, heading2]
  # Enforce inclusive text standards by replacing problematic words and phrases
  # Selection based on:
  - rule: text-replacement
    description: Use inclusive language
    level: major
      he: they
      she: they
      mankind: humanity
      whitelist: allowlist
      blacklist: blocklist
      master: primary
      slave: secondary
      dummy: placeholder
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