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Help the K15t Support Team

Sometimes the K15t Support Team might request additional logs to help debug and troubleshoot issues in open support cases.

For problems associated with Scroll Content Quality you can attain additional logs by following these steps:

  1. Visit

  2. Then, for the affected Confluence instance select Manage users:

  3. After this, select Connected apps (in the left-hand sidebar)

  4. Following this, for the Scroll Content Quality app entry select ••• > Download logs

  5. A preview screen will then appear where you can select the date. The start date selected should correspond to when the issue with the app first occurred.

  6. You can then select Download

  7. Then, attach the contents of the downloaded log file to the open K15t support case (if no support case is open, create a new one)

Further details related to accessing production logs for Atlassian Forge apps can be viewed here.

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