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I'm Unable to Check My Page


Scroll Content Quality does not check a page when it is edited.

When opening the Byline item the status stays on PAGE NOT YET CHECKED and clicking the Check page button loads for a short time and then displays an error message.

Possible Explanations

  • Time-out Issue: The Atlassian Forge platform that Scroll Content Quality is built upon currently limits how long an app can spend on a single action, by default this limit is 25 seconds. If your page has a lot of content or if you have set up more complex rules then this might cause the app to run into this limit and not be able to successfully write a report for this page.

  • Permission Issue: Scroll Content Quality can’t store the quality report on your pages. This normally relates to a permission problem with the app user, for which we have an open issue with Atlassian. The problem occurs when space permissions are set up in a way where the default confluence-user group does not have view permissions (for example when selecting "Only visible to me" as the space permissions during creation of the space).


Time-out Issue

We are currently in contact with Atlassian about this problem to try and find ways to eliminate this limitation or reduce its impact.

Unfortunately for now there are only two different workarounds for this problem:

  • Reduce the size of the page, for example by splitting it up with an Include Page macro.

  • Reduce the complexity of the Scroll Content Quality rules, for example by removing rules that are not critical at the moment.

Permission Issue

You can fix this issue by either adding the confluence-users group in your space permissions or, if other users should not have access to the space, by adding the SCQ system user (the system user name is also Scroll Content Quality) directly to your space. In either case the "View all" permission would be needed for that group/user.

JavaScript errors detected

Please note, these errors can depend on your browser setup.

If this problem persists, please contact our support.