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Backbone Issue Sync 3.9.0

March 2019

This release is a feature release. It contains multiple new features, maintains compatibility with the upcoming changes to Jira Cloud and adds compatibility for Jira Server 8.0. Please read the full release notes if you are synchronizing with Jira Cloud, because you might be required to take action.

Bulk Handling of Troubleshooting Messages

We are happy to announce a long awaited feature: bulk handling of troubleshooting messages. With this new feature you can select multiple messages and perform the same action on these messages, so the time to retry your errors is reduced dramatically. Keep in mind that this only works for issues which share the same common action(s) - you'll see this when using it.

Compatibility with Jira Cloud

Atlassian has announced to remove usernames and user keys for Jira Cloud. This is affecting how user data is stored in the cloud and also how you are synchronizing user data. The transition period for the removal will end in April 2019. We have worked hard in the last weeks and months to keep the compatibility with Jira Cloud. The last releases already contained some upgrades to prepare a smooth transition when the period ends. This release is filling the last important gaps. Hence, if you are synchronizing Jira Cloud ↔ Jira Cloud or Jira Server ↔ Jira Cloud, please follow this article which explains to you the necessary steps.

User Synchronization by Email

Related to the removal of usernames and user keys for Jira Cloud, Atlassian will also restrict the usage of email addresses of Jira Cloud users. This affects all customers synchronizing Jira Cloud ↔ Jira Cloud and Jira Server ↔ Jira Cloud. If you use the user synchronization by email, your users need to allow access to their email addresses in their privacy settings. If this does not satisfy your needs, you can switch to a User Correlation Mapping. How would you like to see the future support of user synchronizations? Please let us know and create a ticket in our support system or write an email to

End of Support for Java 7

With Backbone Issue Sync you can synchronize Jira Server instances independent of the Jira server version. We support Jira server 6.3 up to 8.0 which is the newest Jira version at the moment. Jira 6.3 and 6.4 are the last releases still supporting Java 7 (JRE and JDK 1.7). With the next release we will drop this support and continue to only support Java 8. However, we will still support Backbone Issue Sync on Jira 6.3 and 6.4 if they are running on Java 8.


Are you concerned about the next steps you have to take? Is something not working as expected? Please let us know and create a ticket in our support system or write an email to

All updates and fixes in this release

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