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Backbone Issue Sync 3.5.11

May 2018

Backbone 3.5.11 improves onboarding for new users, adds support for synchronizing the 'watchers' field, and also delivers a number of other minor fixes and improvements.

In this release, we've also re-named 'Integrations' to 'Synchronizations' in the Backbone UI, for the sake of simpler communication. This won't affect the way that Backbone works in any way – it's just a labeling change.

Highlight 1: synchronize the 'watchers' field

Now, you can sync the watchers field in one project to the watchers field or a text string in the other project:

Highlight 2: improved onboarding

Now, when you create a new synchronization, Backbone's new empty state screens will guide you step-by-step through the configuration process:

All updates and fixes in this release

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